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4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne)

Commander COL Rustie W Kim
COL Rustie W. Kim
Phantom Knights Command Sergeant Major CSM Nicholas Gabel
Command Sergeant Major
CSM Nicholas Gabel

The PSYOP Detachment Join the Team

Who We Are

PSYOP Forces are Masters of Influence – the core of information warfare. We conduct influence activities to target psychological vulnerabilities and create or intensify fissures, confusion, and doubt in adversary organizations. We use all available means of dissemination – from sensitive and high tech, to low-tech, to no-tech, and methods from overt, to clandestine, to deception.

Our Force

4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) consists of a headquarters company and five regional PSYOP battalions (POB). Each POB is regionally aligned and supports a geographic combatant command (GCC) in the planning and execution of MISO series.

  • The five regional battalions support the following GCCs:
  • 1st POB (A) supports operations in Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean conducted by United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
  • 5th POB (A) supports operations in the Indo-Pacific region conducted by United States Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM)
  • 6th POB (A) supports operations in Europe conducted by United States European Command (EUCOM)
  • 7th POB (A) supports operations in Africa conducted by United States Africa Command (AFRICOM)
  • 8th POB (A) supports operations in the Middle East and Central Asia conducted by United States Central Command (CENTCOM)

Outreach and Recruiting

Join the PSYOP Regiment: If you are a Soldier or civilian interested in learning more about PSYOP, or how to be selected, give us a call at the number below. Text “4POG” to 462769 to get started. PSYOP is a difficult branch to research so don’t hesitate to reach out for help. We also highly recommend you check us out on our social media.

Newcomers: If you have been assigned to 4th PSYOP Group (A) and are looking for information please give us a call or email at the addresses below. We also recommend you follow our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with new information and other announcements.

Families: We’re happy you’re here. If you are looking for ways to stay in touch please follow the social media pages below. If you have specific questions send us an email so we can connect you with the appropriate section.

Media Inquiries: Give us a call at the number below and we will connect you with the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) Public Affairs Office to respond to your request.


Phone: 910-908-4456

Our History

Psychological warfare was established as a sub-section of the War Department during World War I. Over 50 million leaflets were delivered in modified artillery shells and leaflet bombs dropped from airplanes on enemy units on the Western Front. So effective was the Allied PSYWAR, German Generals stated that the Allied PSYWAR effort had played a large part in devastating their troops' morale. Psychological warfare expanded during World War II with the creation of the Psychological Warfare Branch, Allied Force Headquarters; the Psychological Warfare Division, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force; and PSYWAR Sections at the Army, Group and Field Army levels. These commands consolidated the efforts of the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Office of War Information, British Political Warfare Office and Ministry of Information. These commands further directed the formation of tactical PSYWAR units such as mobile broadcasting companies and broadcasting stations operating detachments.

These World War II PSYWAR efforts dwarfed anything attempted before in history. In September of 1950, BG Robert A. McClure was named Chief, Psychological Warfare Division. Recognizing the need for the Army to retain her PSYWAR units and capabilities, he and his staff established the PSYWAR Center at Fort Bragg in 1952. That center still stands today as the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. The fundamental mission of the Psychological Operations Branch has remained the same since World War I: to "convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups and individuals." However, the means and methods for accomplishing our mission continue to evolve with the increasing demand for PSYOP capabilities across the full spectrum of conflict.

The 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (POG(A)) is one of the United States Army's active military information support operations units and has responsibility for the 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th PSYOP Battalions (Airborne) (POB(A)). 4th POG (A) was activated on 01 DEC 1967 during the Vietnam War and originally consisted of the 7th, 8th, and 10th POBs. It was deactivated in 1971 in Fort Lewis, Washington, before being reactivated in 1972 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. On 15 OCT 1987 4th POG (A) was brought into USSOCOM and on 03 MAR 1993, PSYOP was officially designated as a Special Operations Force. During this time 4th POG(A) participated in operations in Vietnam, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Haiti, Liberia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Balkans, and Afghanistan.

On 01 OCT 2006, PSYOP became an official branch within the United States Army. Today, both 4th POG (A) and 8th POG (A) fall under 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) (1st SFC (A)).

Today, the POBs under 4th POG (A) comprise the bulk of the DODs information warfare forces. They conduct operations in support of multiple Geographic Combatant Commands and seek to influence allies and adversaries in all forms of media. As the way populations communicate continues to change, 4th POG(A) continues to evolve to support the American way of life in an era of global competition.

Our Future